Culinary school is a big step , in the right direction , when you are considering stepping into a role as a kitchen gunslinger. Chooosing the right school is not always so easy , and with all the commercials hyping you up on their school , and so many voices telling you why here is better than there... well , it's easy to become overwhelmed. I will post a couple of concrete signs to check for in advance of an admissions visit. The first thing to consider is your own goals. There are as many feilds of specialty to choose from in the hospitality industry , as there are in any other proffession. Having this in mind , as a specific role you wish to fill upon graduation and in the future , will help you start to narrow the field. With this decision made , start to track down the school with the best curriculum and most proffessional reputation in your immediate area. A daily commute , added to an already full-time schedule , is going to make you lose focus and fall behind quickly.... so stick close to home and look for a flexible schedule. Don't rule out distance learning for this vital factor . A combination of on-line reporting , class meetings and lab work in the industry , can be the key to unlocking your creativity with the availablity of resource management that any reputable school should be upfront and willing to help you with. Considering the rising cost of everything these days , expendable income must be a personal responsibility that is factored in with tuition cost and includes things such as child care , extra wear and tear on your car , supplies not covered in tuition and other unexpected cost of living expenses that will be innevitable once you change carreers. You'll be starting at the's a challenge to pay old bills on a new , lower income. For all of these goals to be reached in one fail swoop will take allot of coordinatng of resources. I reccomend community college , and Le' Cordin Blue , both for their reputation and effectiveness in cost versus return on investment. These are top notch programs to establish your base in and are very well known for proffesionalism and will put a new world at your knife's edge. Now , go rock this world off it's axis !