Season Two of Pie In The Sky

Today marks the beginning of a new era for America . Many are excited about our new President and the hope for America he represents . I am extra joyful about the abundance of wood fired pizza joints springing up across the Dallas / Ft. Worth Metroplex , and the hope of old world style pizza , finally , making it's way into the hearts and minds of an area that is long in waiting for real pizza . There have been a few well known local spots for a while ... and I mean very few . For an area with 4 million plus people and a large Italian - American population , this has been the single largest shortcoming of the dining scene for far too long .

I will , over the next few months , be visiting some of these establishments , and writing the reviews on this blog and presenting exclusive video interviews with the staff and owners . I will also be posting the recipes these places have put out to represent themselves to the pie nation . I won't be stealing them , but as I come across these new interpretations , I will come back to my own kitchen , and put my own spin on them . Some of the new episodes of " Pie In The Sky " will also be influenced by other factors , such as , the weather , traffic , or whether my favorite F1 or W.R.C. driver pulled off another feat of bad-ass drivery .

This season will also see a new feature where I catch an art show , hopefully , followed by a little camera time with the artist , and return to bake the pie inspired by the art . This is a scenario I first announced some time ago on and am very excited about putting on film . This season will , also , include a grip of new ingredients , toppings and cheese , as well as more advanced tools . We will be rolling out the introduction of gadget review , which will also be on , in their kitchen equipment review thread of the forums , along with this blogs exclusive video footage of the same tools . Whoa ! that's one spicy meatball , and I am very excited about bringing it to you .

Thank you all for your support and tuning in to see my hard work . I am very proud of what I do , and look forward to hearing from all of you out there with the desire to tell those big delivery places to GET BENT .



Spryte said…
I don't typically like video blogs... but I'm so glad I checked yours out!!

I can wait to try out some of your dough tips!!
Coldhitz said…
Thank you , Spryte .