Pie In The Sky Season Two Preview

This is a short film about the new pies I 'll be making this season on "Pie In The Sky " . Featured on this pizza are some new cheeses and a new flour , both of which will be featured in review on an upcoming episode of
" The Pie Vlog ". There is also chicken breast on the surface , and that is new for me as well . I usually use shredded chicken breast . The new taste was so good that after I was done I laughed . I spent the whole weekend making pizzas and even though they all had the same ingredients , my favorite combo , the pies were as individual in flavor profile as fingerprints .

The reason behind the lighting effects in this movie are that on Saturday , I had a very strange day . Nothing bad happened , but just the way events of the day unfolded were so surreal that it bled over into my editing . I'm still learning Premiere Elements 7 , and just got a wild hair in me . I think it's been there my whole life , but I'm starting to feel my personality come on ....and well It's the way I do it . The new episodes won't feature anything quite this experimental , but my new show about the Ft. Worth arts scene will have more than enough adventure for those who like to see more of a person than is just in front of them on the screen . I am still gonna put together the art and the pizza , but after the initial roll - out , I am going to let the direction of the show go as it may . That organic type of style is what suites me and if you all wanna see something , let me know and we'll see how the pizza crumbles . Have yourself a wonderful week and smile... life is good .

